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Hudební skupiny > K > King Diamond > Never Ending Hill

Překlad Písně: Never Ending Hill - King Diamond

Text Písně - Never Ending Hill - King Diamond Text Písně - Never Ending Hill - King Diamond
Překlad Písně - Never Ending Hill - King Diamond Překlad Písně - Never Ending Hill - King Diamond
Videoklip k Písni - Never Ending Hill - King Diamond Videoklip k Písni - Never Ending Hill - King Diamond
Karaoke k Písni - Never Ending Hill - King Diamond Karaoke k Písni - Never Ending Hill - King Diamond

Time is never ever standing still, except on never ending hill
From here you can see devil lake
The velvet sunset is never too late

Never ending hill is where I live, the old oak tree is standing still
Can you hear the birds singing in the trees?
Can you hear the wind shaking all the leaves?

Take a look at the sky
Golden clouds are moving right by my eyes
Black cat Magic is down by the lake
Chasing butterflies that can't get away

Now the sun is slowly going down
I can hear... devil lake is quiet now
Magic, magic come home
Say goodbye to your butterfly 'cause night time is coming our way

Time is never ever standing still, except on never ending hill.
From here you can see devil lake
The velvet sunset is never too late

Take a look at the sky
Golden clouds are moving right by my eyes
Black cat Magic is down by the lake
Chasing butterflies that can't get away

Ah… Darkness coming
Ah… Sun is drowning, drowning in devil lake
Ah… Magic come in
Ah… Light is fading, oh yeah its getting late

Další písničky hudební skupiny King Diamond:

King Diamond - Is Anybody Here?
King Diamond - Black Of Night
King Diamond - Mirror, Mirror
King Diamond - The Cellar
King Diamond - Pictures In Red

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny King Diamond:

King Diamond - The Family Ghost
King Diamond - The Candle
King Diamond - The 7th Day Of July 1777
King Diamond - Shrine
King Diamond - Omens

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