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Hudební skupiny > B > Belinda > I Feel The Magic

Překlad Písně: I Feel The Magic - Belinda

Text Písně - I Feel The Magic - Belinda Text Písně - I Feel The Magic - Belinda
Překlad Písně - I Feel The Magic - Belinda Překlad Písně - I Feel The Magic - Belinda
Videoklip k Písni - I Feel The Magic - Belinda Videoklip k Písni - I Feel The Magic - Belinda
Karaoke k Písni - I Feel The Magic - Belinda Karaoke k Písni - I Feel The Magic - Belinda

Last night I gave up on myself
I hit the bed, tell me what should I do
And in a dream I saw your face

It's more than just a face
You make me want to give my heart away

I feel the magic
Like I never felt before
I imagine that it's always been there
I feel the magic
There's an angel looking after me
Angel baby give me more and more

Today I woke up by myself
I hit the streets I wondered what should I do
I never noticed from the start
That I could feel alive again
That I could feel a part of

I feel the magic
Like I never felt before
I imagine that it's always been there
I feel the magic
There's an angel looking after me
Angel baby give me more and more

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Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Belinda:

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Belinda - I Get Weak

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