Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > Alesha Dixon > Breathe Slow

Překlad Písně: Breathe Slow - Alesha Dixon

Text Písně - Breathe Slow - Alesha Dixon Text Písně - Breathe Slow - Alesha Dixon
Překlad Písně - Breathe Slow - Alesha Dixon Překlad Písně - Breathe Slow - Alesha Dixon
Videoklip k Písni - Breathe Slow - Alesha Dixon Videoklip k Písni - Breathe Slow - Alesha Dixon
Karaoke k Písni - Breathe Slow - Alesha Dixon Karaoke k Písni - Breathe Slow - Alesha Dixon

I'm running out of patience
'cos i can't believe what the hell
I'm hearing
And speaking of hell
It don't compare to this heat
That i am feeling

I love you too much
It shows
All my emotions go
Out of control oh whoa whoa
Good for you bad for me
When i can hardly see
From the tears that flow oh whoa

Can't forget to breathe slow
Count from one to ten
With my eyes closed
'cos ladies take it in
And get comp- oh oh oh 'sure
Before i lose it get comp- oh oh oh 'sure

I am gunna breathe slow
Count from one to ten
With my eyes closed
'cos ladies take it in
And get comp- oh oh oh 'sure
Ladies never lose comp- oh oh oh 'sure

Not guuna lie
Or even try
You've got my wheel spinning
And i ain't the one to show
The gun
'cos that means you will be
Winning oh yeah

I love you too much
It shows
All my emotions go
Out of control oh whoa whoa
Good for you bad for me
When i can hardly see
From the tears that flow oh whoa

Ooh oh ooh
Can't forget to breathe slow
Count from one to ten
With my eyes closed
'cos ladies take it in
And get comp- oh oh oh 'sure
Before i lose it get comp- oh oh oh 'sure

I am gunna breathe slow
Count from one to ten
With my eyes closed
'cos ladies take it in
And get comp- oh oh oh 'sure
Ladies never lose comp- oh oh oh 'sure

Somebody better hold me back
You're lucky i know how to act
(so lucky ain't gunna attack)
I'm being calm and cool
But believe me you
It's taking everything to just
Breathe breathe breathe ...

Can't forget to breathe slow
Count from one to ten
With my eyes closed
'cos ladies take it in
And get comp- oh oh oh 'sure
Before i lose it get comp- oh oh oh 'sure

I am gunna breathe slow
Count from one to ten
With my eyes closed
'cos ladies take it in
And get comp- oh oh oh 'sure
Ladies never lose comp- oh oh oh 'sure

Can't forget to breathe slow
Count from one to ten
With my eyes closed
'cos ladies take it in
And get comp- oh oh oh 'sure
Before i lose it get comp- oh oh oh 'sure

I am gunna breathe slow
Count from one to ten
With my eyes closed
'cos ladies take it in
And get comp- oh oh oh 'sure
Ladies never lose comp- oh oh oh 'sure

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Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Alesha Dixon:

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Alesha Dixon - Breathe Slow
Alesha Dixon - Breath slow
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Alesha Dixon - Can I Begin

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