Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > B > B3 > Tonight And Forever

Překlad Písně: Tonight And Forever - B3

Text Písně - Tonight And Forever - B3 Text Písně - Tonight And Forever - B3
Překlad Písně - Tonight And Forever - B3 Překlad Písně - Tonight And Forever - B3
Videoklip k Písni - Tonight And Forever - B3 Videoklip k Písni - Tonight And Forever - B3
Karaoke k Písni - Tonight And Forever - B3 Karaoke k Písni - Tonight And Forever - B3

Another night, another day,
Your heart is still so far away
And I want you girl,
I need your love.

I never felt this way before
And now I know that I am sure
That I love you girl

I wanna be right by your side
I wanna be the only one
Can I hold you tonight and forever

It doesn°t matter where you are
We will never be apart
I°ll be there
Tonight and forever

It doesn°t matter where you stay
I will hold you anyway
I°ll be there
Tonight and forever

Tonight and forever

And everytime that you are near
My love is waiting oh so clear
And I°m trembling
Like a child

So hold me now
Don°t get me wrong
I do believe that we belong together

Tonight and forever

I wanna be right by your side
I wanna be the only one
Can I hold you tonight and forever

It doesn°t matter where you are
We will never be apart
I°ll be there
Tonight and forever

It doesn°t matter where you stay
I will hold you anyway
I°ll be there
Tonight and forever

I should have told you
But I didn°t know how
Wish I was holding you now

Tonight and Forever

Where you are
Where you are
Doesn°t matter
We won°t be apart

Tonight and Forever

It doesn°t matter where you are
We will never be apart
I°ll be there
Tonight and Forever

It doesn°t matter where you stay
I will hold you anyway
In my heart
Tonight and Forever

Tonight and Forever

Tonight and Forever

Další písničky hudební skupiny B3:

B3 - We Got The Tower
B3 - Nightfever
B3 - You win again
B3 - All the girls
B3 - We Got The Power

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny B3:

B3 - I.o.i.o
B3 - Angel In My Bed
B3 - Youre My Angel
B3 - Tonight And Forever
B3 - We Got The Tower

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