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Hudební skupiny > S > Satyricon > Black Crow On A Tombstone

Překlad Písně: Black Crow On A Tombstone - Satyricon

Text Písně - Black Crow On A Tombstone - Satyricon Text Písně - Black Crow On A Tombstone - Satyricon
Překlad Písně - Black Crow On A Tombstone - Satyricon Překlad Písně - Black Crow On A Tombstone - Satyricon
Videoklip k Písni - Black Crow On A Tombstone - Satyricon Videoklip k Písni - Black Crow On A Tombstone - Satyricon
Karaoke k Písni - Black Crow On A Tombstone - Satyricon Karaoke k Písni - Black Crow On A Tombstone - Satyricon

Hidden under it's wings
The darkness you wish to hide
Bearer of ugly truths

Somber morning
Through blurry glass
The black crow

Here comes the messenger
Found bringer of dark days
Here comes the messenger
Black crow on a tombstone

That reeks of death
The posture
Makes you tremble

Here comes the messenger
Found bringer of dark days
Here comes the messenger
Black crow on a tombstone

(She'll) seek
And find you
Make you remember

Here comes the messenger
Found bringer of dark days
Here comes the messenger
Black crow on a tombstone

Hidden under it's wings
The darkness you wish to hide
Bearer of ugly truths

On a grey
Somber morning
Through blurry glass
The black crow

Here comes the messenger
Found bringer of dark days
Here comes the messenger
Black crow on a tombstone

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Satyricon - The Wolfpack

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