Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > DeLuna > In The End

Překlad Písně: In The End - DeLuna

Text Písně - In The End - DeLuna Text Písně - In The End - DeLuna
Překlad Písně - In The End - DeLuna Překlad Písně - In The End - DeLuna
Videoklip k Písni - In The End - DeLuna Videoklip k Písni - In The End - DeLuna
Karaoke k Písni - In The End - DeLuna Karaoke k Písni - In The End - DeLuna

I'm the textbook definition of a rebel
I see the crumble over left and I've got go right
I'm always in some trouble
To me life ain't fun unless you're in a good fight

So the more you're good to me
The more I try to get you to leave

All my life I've made excuses
Pushing you away, saying that you're not for me
All my life...
I tried everything
In the end it was you
In the end, in the end it was you

All I wanna do is have a good time
Let the beat go through me and just take me away
You've been trying to get with me for a while
And I've been telling you to save that for another day

So the more you're good to me
The more I try to get you to leave

All my life I've made excuses
Pushing you away, saying that you're not for me
All my life...
I tried everything

In the end it was you
In the end, in the end it was you

No no no
I never would've thought
You'd be the one
That I'd be with in the end
I never would've dreamd
That you and me
Were be together in the end

All my life I've made excuses
Pushing you away, saying that you're not for me
All my life...
I tried everything
In the end it was you
In the end, in the end it was you

All my life I've made excuses
Pushing you away, saying that you're not for me
All my life...
I tried everything
In the end it was you
In the end, in the end it was you

Další písničky hudební skupiny DeLuna:

DeLuna - Am I Dreaming
DeLuna - Run The Show
DeLuna - Love, Leave Me
DeLuna - Feel What I Feel
DeLuna - Whine Up

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny DeLuna:

DeLuna - Calling You
DeLuna - Love Confusion
DeLuna - Animal
DeLuna - Enjoy Saying Goodbye

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