Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 10cc > Don't Ask

Překlad Písně: Don't Ask - 10cc

Text Písně - Don't Ask - 10cc Text Písně - Don't Ask - 10cc
Překlad Písně - Don't Ask - 10cc Překlad Písně - Don't Ask - 10cc
Videoklip k Písni - Don't Ask - 10cc Videoklip k Písni - Don't Ask - 10cc
Karaoke k Písni - Don't Ask - 10cc Karaoke k Písni - Don't Ask - 10cc

You ask me what's it like now
I've got no woman - don't ask
You ask me how's it feel to be alone
You've got no one - don't ask
I'll tell you what's the story
Who's the judge and who's the jury - the past

Don't ask me what it's like to be alone at night
I hear a tapping on the wall
(I hear you knocking but ya)
I calm myself by leaving on the bathroom light
I know there's no one out there
But that don't really help at all

So tell me what's it like now
You got nobody - don't ask

Who looks after your health
I do it myself
How do you survive
I'm staying alive
Who looks after your home
I do it on my own
And how do you sleep
I sleep alone

Nobody told me that I had to live this way
Yea I could really have a ball
(you keep a knocking but ya)
But if I can't have you I'd rather stay this way
And live in hope that maybe
One day you'll take the time to call

So tell me what's it like now
You've got no woman - don't ask

Who looks after your health
I do it myself
How do you survive
I'm staying alive
Who looks after your home
I do it on my own
And how do you sleep
I sleep alone

I'll tell you what it's like now
I got no woman - don't ask

Další písničky hudební skupiny 10cc:

10cc - Don't Break The Promises
10cc - Don't Hang Up
10cc - Don't Send We Back
10cc - Donna
10cc - Dreadlock Holiday

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny 10cc:

10cc - 24 Hours
10cc - 4% Of Something
10cc - Action Man In A Motown Suit
10cc - Age Of Consent
10cc - Americana Panorama

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